Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division II –– Nidāna
Book 13 –– Dhātu Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Nānatta Vagga

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa

Section I
Ajjhatta-pañcakaṃ –– The Internal Five

13. 1. 1.

(1) Dhātu –– Elements

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the diversity of elements, listen and attend carefully.

Those bhikkhus, replied:

“Yes, venerable sir, do so.”

3. And the Blessed One said thus: “Bhikkhus, what is the diversity of elements?

“There are the elements, of the eye, forms and eye-consciousness.

“There are the elements of the ear, sounds and ear-consciousness.

“There are the elements of the nose, scents and nose-consciousness.

“There are the elements of the tongue, tastes and tongue-consciousness.

“There are the elements of the body, touches and body-consciousness.

“And there are the elements of the mind, ideas and mind-consciousness.

“Bhikkhus, this is the diversity of elements.”

13. 1. 2.

(2) Samphassaṃ — Contacts

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of the diversity of elements arise the diversity of contacts.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

4. “They are the elements of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mind. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

5. “Bhikkhus, how do diverse contacts arise on account of diverse elements?

6. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of the eye arise eye contact, on account of the element of the ear arise ear contact, on account of the element of the nose arise nose contact, on account of the element of the tongue arise tongue contact, on account of the element of the body arise body contact, on account of the element of the mind arise mind contact.

7. “Thus, bhikkhus, on account of the diverse elements arise diverse contacts.”

13. 1. 3.

(3) No ce taṃ –– Not the Other Way

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, the diverse contacts arise on account of the diverse of elements. And not the diverse elements rise on account of the diverse contacts.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

4. “They are the elements of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mind. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

5. “Bhikkhus, how does the diverse elements, arouse diverse of contacts and not the diverse contacts arouse diverse elements?

6. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of the eye arise eye contact and not the eye element arises on account of eye contact ... re ... On account of the element of the mind arise mind contact and not the mind element arises on account of mind contact.

7. “Thus, bhikkhus, on account of the diverse elements, rise the diverse of contacts. And not the diverse contacts rise on account of the diverse elements.”

13. 1. 4.

(4) Vedana I –– Feelings I

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements arise diverse contacts and on account of diverse contacts arise diverse feelings.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

4. “They are the elements of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mind. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

5. “Bhikkhus, how is the arising of diverse contacts on account of diverse elements and the arising of diverse feelings on account of diverse contacts?

6. “Bhikkhus, on account of the eye element arises eye contact and feelings born from eye contact arise ... re ... On account of the mind element arises mind contact and feelings born from mind contact arise.

7. “Thus, bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements arise diverse contacts and on account of diverse contacts arise diverse feelings.”

13. 1. 5.

(5) Vedana II –– Feelings II

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements rise diverse contacts and on account of diverse contacts arise diverse feelings. Not that from the diverse feelings rise diverse contacts and from diverse contacts rise the diverse elements.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements? They are the elements of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mind.

4. “Bhikkhus, how is the arising of diverse contacts on account of diverse elements and the arising of diverse feelings on account of diverse contacts and not from diverse feelings the arising of diverse contacts, and from diverse contacts the arising of diverse elements?

5-9. “Bhikkhus, on account of the eye element arises eye contact and feelings born from eye contact arise, not that from feelings born of eye contact rise eye contact and from eye contact arises the element of the eye ... re ...

10. “On account of the mind element arises mind contact and feelings born from mind contact arise, not that from feelings born of mind contact rise mind contact and from mind contact rises the mind element.

11. “Thus, bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements arise diverse contacts and on account of diverse contacts arise diverse feelings and not from diverse feelings arise the diverse contacts and not from the diverse contacts arise the diverse elements.

Section II
Bahira Pañcakaṃ –– The external five.

13. 1. 6.

(6) Dhātu — Elements

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the diversity of elements, listen and attend carefully.”

Those bhikkhus replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”

And the Blessed One said thus:

3. “Bhikkhus, what is the diversity of elements?

“They are the element of forms, the element of sounds, the element of scents, the element of tastes, the element of touches and the element of ideas.

4. “Bhikkhus, this is the diversity of elements.”

13. 1. 7.

(7) Sañña — Perceptions

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of the diversity of elements, arise the diverse perceptions. On account of diverse perceptions arise diverse thoughts. On account of diverse thoughts arise diverse interests. On account of diverse interests arise diverse burnings. On account of diverse burnings arise diverse searches.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

“They are the element of forms, the element of sounds, the element of scents, the element of tastes, the element of touches, and the element of ideas. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

4. “Bhikkhus, how do the diverse elements give rise to diverse perceptions? Diverse perceptions give rise to diverse thoughts? Diverse thoughts give rise to diverse interests? Diverse interests give rise to diverse burnings and diverse burnings give rise to diverse searches?

5-9. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of forms arise perceptions of forms, on account of perceptions of forms arise thoughts about forms, on account of thoughts about forms arise interests about forms, on account of interests about forms arise burnings about forms, on account of burnings about forms arise searches about forms.

10. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of ideas, arise perceptions of ideas, on account of perceptions of ideas arise thoughts about ideas, on account of thoughts about ideas arise interests about ideas, on account of interests about ideas arise burnings about ideas, on account of burnings about ideas arise searches about ideas.

11. “Bhikkhus, in this manner, diverse elements give rise to diverse perceptions. Diverse perceptions give rise to diverse thoughts. Diverse thoughts give rise to diverse interests. Diverse interests give rise to diverse burnings and diverse burnings give rise to diverse searches.

13. 1. 8.

(8) No ce tam — Not The Other Way

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements, rise the diverse perceptions. On account of diverse perceptions arise diverse thoughts. On account of diverse thoughts arise diverse interests. On account of diverse interests arise diverse burnings. On account of diverse burnings arise diverse searches.

3. It is not that, on account of diverse searches arise diverse burnings, on account of diverse burnings arise diverse interests, on account of diverse interests arise diverse thoughts, on account of diverse thoughts arise diverse perceptions and on account of diverse perceptions arise the diverse elements.

4-9. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

“They are the element of forms, the element of sounds, elements of scents, the element of tastes, the element of touches, and the element of ideas. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

10. “Bhikkhus, how is the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse elements, the arising of diverse thoughts on account of diverse perceptions ... re ... and the arising of diverse searches on account of diverse burnings and not the arising of diverse burnings on account of diverse searches, not the arising of diverse interests on account of diverse burnings, not the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse thoughts and not the arising of diverse elements on account of diverse perceptions?

11. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of forms arise perceptions of forms, on account of perceptions of forms arise thoughts about forms, on account of thoughts about forms arise interests about forms, on account of interests about forms arise burnings about forms, on account of burnings about forms arise searches about forms and not the arising of diverse burnings of forms on account of diverse searches for forms, not the arising of diverse interests for forms on account of diverse burnings for forms, not the arising of diverse perceptions of forms on account of diverse thoughts of forms and not the arising of diverse elements of forms on account of diverse perceptions of forms.

12. “On account of the element of sounds ... re ...

13. “On account of the element of scents ... re ...

14. “On account of the element of tastes ... re ...

15. “On account of the element of touch ... re ...

16. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of ideas, arise perceptions of ideas, on account of perceptions of ideas arise thoughts about ideas, on account of thoughts about ideas arise interests for ideas, on account of interests for ideas arise burnings for ideas, on account of burnings for ideas arise searches for ideas. and not the arising of burnings for ideas on account of searching for ideas, not the arising of interests for ideas on account of burnings for ideas, not the arising of perceptions of ideas on account of thoughts about ideas and not the arising of the element of ideas on account of perceptions of ideas.

17. “Bhikkhus, in this manner, diverse elements give rise to diverse perceptions. Diverse perceptions give rise to diverse thoughts. Diverse thoughts give rise to diverse interests. Diverse interests give rise to diverse burnings and diverse burnings give rise to diverse searches. and not the arising of diverse burnings on account of diverse searches, not the arising of diverse interests on account of diverse burnings, not the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse thoughts and not the arising of diverse elements on account of diverse perceptions.

13. 1. 9.

(9) Phassa I –– Contact I

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements arise diverse perceptions. On account of diverse perceptions arise diverse thoughts. On account of diverse thoughts arise diverse contacts. On account of diverse contacts arise diverse feelings. On account of diverse feelings arise diverse interests. On account of diverse interests arise diverse burnings. On account of diverse burnings arise diverse searches. On account of diverse searches arise diverse gains.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

“They are the element of forms the element of sounds, the element of scents, the element of tastes, the element of touches and the element of ideas. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

4. “Bhikkhus, what is the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse elements ... re ... the arising of diverse gains on account of diverse searches.

5. “Bhikkhus, perceptions of forms arise on account of the element of forms. Thoughts of forms arise on account of perceptions of forms. Contacts of forms arise on account of thoughts of forms Feelings born of contacts of forms arise on account of contacts of forms. Interest for forms arises, on account of feelings born of contacts of forms. Burnings for forms arise on account of interest for forms. And gains of forms arise on account of burnings for forms.

6. “Bhikkhus, perceptions of sounds arise on account of the element of sounds ... re ...

7. “Bhikkhus, perceptions of scents arise on account of the element of scents ... re ...

8. “Bhikkhus, perceptions of tastes arise on account of the element of tastes ... re ...

9. “Bhikkhus, perceptions of touches arise on account of the element of touches ... re ...

10. “Bhikkhus, perceptions of ideas arise on account of the mind element. Thoughts arise on account of perceptions of ideas. Contacts of ideas arise on account of thoughts of ideas Feelings born of contacts of ideas arise on account of contacts of ideas. Interest for ideas arises, on account of feelings born of contacts of ideas. Burnings for ideas arise on account of interest for ideas. Searching for ideas arise on account of the burnings for ideas. And gains of ideas arise on account of searching for ideas.

11. “Bhikkhus, thus is the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse elements ... re ... the arising of diverse gains on account of diverse searches.

13. 1. 10.

(10) Phassa II — Contact II

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.

2. “Bhikkhus, on account of diverse elements rise diverse perceptions. On account of diverse perceptions arise diverse thoughts. On account of diverse thoughts arise diverse contacts. On account of diverse contacts arise diverse feelings. On account of diverse feelings arise diverse interests. On account of diverse interests arise diverse burnings. On account of diverse burnings arise diverse searching. And on account of diverse searching arise diverse gains.

“And not on account of diverse gains arise diverse searching. Not on account of diverse searching arise diverse burnings, not on account of diverse burnings arise diverse interests, not on account of diverse interests arise diverse thoughts, not on account of diverse thoughts arise diverse perceptions and not on account of diverse perceptions arise the diverse elements.

3. “Bhikkhus, what are the diverse elements?

“They are the element of forms the element of sounds, the element of scents, the element of tastes, the element of touches and the element of ideas. Bhikkhus, these are the diverse elements.

4. “Bhikkhus, how is the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse elements, the arising of diverse thoughts on account of diverse perceptions, the arising of diverse contacts on account of diverse thoughts, the arising of diverse feelings on account of diverse contacts the arising of diverse interests on account of diverse burnings the arising of diverse searching on account of diverse burnings and the arising of diverse gains on account of diverse searching. And not the arising of diverse searching, on account of diverse gains. Not the arising of diverse burnings on account of diverse searching, not the arising of diverse interests on account of diverse burnings, not the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse thoughts and not the arising of diverse elements on account of diverse perceptions?

5. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of forms ... re ...

6. “On account of the element of sounds ... re ...

7. “On account of the element of scents ... re ...

8. “On account of the element of tastes ... re ...

9. “On account of the element of touch ... re ...

10. “Bhikkhus, on account of the element of ideas, arise perceptions of ideas, on account of perceptions of ideas arise thoughts about ideas, on account of thoughts about ideas arise interest for ideas, on account of interest for ideas arise burnings for ideas, on account of burnings for ideas arise searching for ideas and on account of searching arise gains of ideas. And it is not the arising of a search on account of gain of ideas. Not the arising of burning on account of a search for ideas. Not the arising of interest for ideas on account of searching for ideas. Not the arising of feelings born of contacts of ideas on account of interest for ideas. Not the arising of contact of ideas, on account of feelings born of contact of ideas. Not the arising of thoughts of ideas on account of the contact of ideas. Not the arising of perceptions of ideas on account of thoughts of ideas, and not the arising of the element of ideas on account of perceptions of ideas.

“Bhikkhus, in this manner, diverse elements give rise to diverse perceptions. Diverse perceptions give rise to diverse thoughts ... re ... diverse thoughts ... re ... contacts ... re ... feelings ... re ... interest ... re ... burnings ... re ... searching ... re ... gains. And it is not the arising of diverse searching on account of diverse gains. It is not the arising of diverse burnings on account of diverse searching. It is not the arising of diverse interests on account of diverse burnings. It is not the arising of diverse perceptions on account of diverse thoughts and it is not the arising of diverse elements on account of diverse perceptions.”