Aṅguttara Nikāya

010. Āhuneyyavaggo –– Reverential

010.01. Bhikkhus, these seven persons are reverential, ... re ... worthy of gifts and worshipful with clasped hands, the field of merit for the world. What seven?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person abides seeing impermanence, perceiving and experiencing it, with the mind constantly, uninterruputedlly, penetrating to be settled wisely in it. He destroying desires, the mind released and released through wisdom, here and now realizing abides. Bhikkhus, this is the first person, reverential, ... re ... worthy of gifts and worshipful with clasped hands, the field of merit for the world.

Again, bhikkhus, a certain person abides seeing impermanence, perceiving and experiencing it, with the mind constantly, uninterruputedlly, penetrating to be settled wisely in it. His consumation of life span and consumation of desires happens at one and the same time. Bhikkhus, this is the second person, reverential, ... re ... worthy of gifts and worshipful with clasped hands, the field of merit for the world.

Again, bhikkhus, a certain person abides seeing impermanence, perceiving and experiencing it, with the mind constantly, uninterruputedlly, penetrating to be settled wisely in it. He destroying the five lower bonds binding him to the sensual world becomes a non-returner, ... re ... becomes one in the vicinity of extinction, ... re ... extinct without substratum, ... re ... extinct with substratum, ... re ... becomes one going up stream, as far as the highest world of Brahma. Bhikkhus, this is the seventh person, reverential, ... re ... worthy of gifts and worshipful with clasped hands, the field of merit for the world.

Bhikkhus, these seven persons are reverential, ... re ... worthy of gifts and worshipful with clasped hands, the field of merit for the world. What seven?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person abides seeing unpleasantness, ... re ... the lack of a self, ... re ... destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... giving up, ... re ...

Abides hearing, ... re ... smelling, ... re ... tasting, ... re ... touching, ... re ... thinking, ... re ...

Abides seeing in matter, ... re ... in sounds, ... re ... in smells, ... re ... in tastes, ... re ... in touches, ... re ... and in ideas, ... re ...

Abides seeing in eye-consciousness, ... re ... in ear-consciousness, ... re ... in nose conscioussness, ... re ... in tongue consciousness, ... re ... in body consciousness, ... re ... and in mind conscioussness, ... re ...

Abides seeing in eye contact, ... re ... ear contact, ... re ... smell contact, ... re ... tongue contact, ... re ... body contact, ... re ... and mind contact, ... re ...

Abides seeing in feelings born of, eye contact, ... re ... ear contact, ... re ... nose contact, ... re ... tongue contact, ... re ... body contact, ... re ... mind contact.

Abides seeing in perceptions, of the seen, ... re ... of the heard, ... re ... of the smelt, ... re ... of the tasted, ... re ... of the touched, ... re ... of ideas ... re ...

Abides seeing in intentions for the seen, ... re ... for the heard, ... re ... for the smelt, ... re ... for the tasted, ... re ... for the touched, ... re ... for ideas ... re ...

Abides seeing craving, for the seen, ... re ... for the heard, ... re ... for the smelt, ... re ... for the tasted, ... re ... for the touched, ... re ... for ideas ... re ...

Abides seeing the thoughts, for the seen, ... re ... for the heard, ... re ... for the smelt, ... re ... for the tasted, ... re ... for the touched, ... re ... for ideas ... re ...

Abides seeing the discursive thoughs for the seen, ... re ... for the heard, ... re ... for the smelt, ... re ... for the tasted, ... re ... for the touched, ... re ... for ideas ... re ...

Abides seeing the five holding masses, ... re ... the mass of matter, ... re ... the mass of feelings, ... re ... the mass of perceptions ... re ... the mass of determinations, ... re ... abides seeing impermanaence, unpleasantness, ... re ... the lack of a self, ... re ... destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... giving up, ... re ... the incomparable field of merit for the world.

11. Rāgapeyyālaṃ –– Repeats on greed

623. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these seven things should be developed. What seven?

The enlightenment factor mindfulness, ... re ... the enlightenment factor equanimity. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these seven things should be developd.

624. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these seven things should be developed. What seven?

The perception, of impermanence, the lack of a self, loathsomeness, danger, dispelling, disenchantment and cessation. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these seven things should be developed.

625. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these seven things should be developed. What seven?

The perception of, loathing, death, loathing food, disenchantment for all the world, impermanence, unpleasantness in impermanence, lack of a self in unpleasantness, Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these seven things should be developed.

626-652. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed for its diminution,ṭo dispel it, ḍestruction, fading, disenchantment cessation,ṭurning out, giving up. These seven things should be developed.

653-1132. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing evil intention, ... re ... delusion, ... re ... anger, ... re ... grudge, ... re ... ill feeling, ... re ... unmercifulness, ... re ... envy, ... re ... selfishness, ... re ... deception, ... re ... craftiness, ... re ... immobility, ... re ... impetuosity ... re ... measuring, ... re ... conceit, ... re ... intoxication, ... re ... negligence, ... re ... for its diminution, to dispel it, destruction fading, disenchantment cessation, turning out, giving up, these seven things should be developed.

The Blessed One said thus and those bhikkhus delighted in his words.