Aṅguttara Nikāya
1. Ekakanipāta

XI. Adhammavagga
Interpreting the Teaching incorrectly

140. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the incorrect teaching as incorrect, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the fortieth.

141. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the correct teaching as correct, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-first.

142. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the incorrect discipline as incorrect, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-second.

143. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the correct discipline as correct, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-third.

144. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the not declared by the Thus Gone One as not declared, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-fourth.

145. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain that which is declared by the Thus Gone One as declared, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-fifth.

146. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the not practised by the Thus Gone One as not practised, do it for the pleasantvness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-sixth.

147. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the practised by the Thus Gone One as practised, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-seventh.

148. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the not appointed by the Thus Gone One as not appointed, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-eighth.

149. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhus who explain the appointed by the Thus Gone One as appointed, do it for the pleasantness, welfare and good luck of gods and men. They accrue much merit and stabilize the good teaching. This is the forty-nineth.