Aṅguttara Nikāya
021. Kimbilavaggo
021.01. At one time The Blessed One was living with venerable Kimbila in the bamboo grove and venerable Kimbila approached The Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. Then venerable Kimbila said to The Blessed One:
Venerable sir, what is the reason for the good Teaching, not to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One?
Here, Kimbila, after the demise of the Teacher, the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, lay disciples male and female lead a rebellious life disrespecting the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community of bhikkhus, the training and rebelliously disrespecting each other. Kimbila, this is the reason for the good Teaching, not to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One.
Venerable sir, what is the reason for the good Teaching, to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One?
Here, Kimbila, after the demise of the Teacher, the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, lay disciples male and female lead a docile life respecting the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community of bhikkhus, the training and becoming docile respecting each other. Kimbila, this is the reason for the good Teaching, to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One.
2. Dhammassavanasuttaṃ — The results of listening to the Teaching
021.02. Bhikkhus, these five are the results of listening to the Teaching. What five?
Hears what has not been heard, the heard is refreshed, doubts are dispelled, the view is rectified and the mind becomes pleased. Bhikkhus, these five are the results of listening to the Teaching.
3. Assājānīyasuttaṃ — The thoroughbred
021.03. Bhikkhus, endowed with five qualities the king’s thoroughbred horse becomes justified and qualified for the services of the king. What five?
By his uprightness, speed, gentleness, patience and docility. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five qualities the king’s thoroughbred horse becomes justified and qualified for the services of the king.
Bhikkhus, in the same manner the bhikkhu endowed with five things becomes suitable for veneration, hospitality, gifts and to be revered with clasped hands, the incomparable field of merit for the world. What Five?
By the uprightness, speed, gentleness, patience and docility. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with these five things becomes suitable for veneration, hospitality, gifts and to be revered with clasped hands, the incomparable field of merit for the world.
021.04. Bhikkhus, these five are powers. What five?
The power of faith, shame, remorse, effort and wisdom. Bhikkhus, these five are powers.
5. Cetokhilasuttaṃ — An arrow in the mind
021.05. Bhikkhus, these five are arrows in the mind. What five?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu has doubts about the Teacher, he does not feel inclined towards the Teacher, is not reassured, the mind does not apply to become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel and make endeavour. The mind’s lack of assurance, lack of application to become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel and make endeavour is the first arrow in the mind.
Again, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu has doubts about the Teaching, ... re ... about the Community of bhikkhus, ... re ... about the training, ... re ... and abides with an angry afflicted mind towards the co-associates in the holy life, he does not feel inclined towards them, is not reassured, the mind does not apply to become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel and make endeavour. The mind’s lack of assurance, lack of application to become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel and make endeavour is the fifth arrow in the mind.
6. Vinibandhasuttaṃ — Bondages
021.06. Bhikkhus, these five are bonds of the mind. What five?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is not free from greed, interest, love, thirst, longings and craving for sensuality. Bhikkhus, when the bhikkhu is not free from greed, interest, love, thirst, longings and craving for sensuality, his mind does not become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel and make endeavour The mind’s lack of assurance, lack of application to become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel is the first bondage of the mind.
Again, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is not free from greed, interest, love, thirst, longings and craving for the body ... re ... for matter, ... re ... or eating as much as the stomach holds abides in the pleasure of sleep and laziness ... re ... or he leads the holy life aspiring to be born with a certain company of gods. By these virtues, austerities, may I be born a god or born in the company of certain gods. Bhikkhus, when the bhikkhu is not free from greed, interest, love, thirst, longings and craving thinking by these virtues, austerities may I be born a god or born in their company, his mind does not become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel and make endeavour The mind’s lack of assurance, lack of application to become tranquil, to persevere, to dispel is the fifth bondage of the mind. Bhikkhus, these five are bonds of the mind.
021.07. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits of drinking porridge. What five?
Hunger is appeased, thirst is appeased, the winds behave accordingly, the bladder gets washed out, the digested gets pushed out. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits of drinking porridge.
8. Dantakaṭṭhasuttaṃ — Toothpic
021.08. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for not partaking the toothpic. What five?
It becomes unpleasant to the sight, the mouth smells, the taste conductors do not get a cleansing, bile and phlegm does not cover up the food, food becomes disagreeable to him.
Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for not partaking the toothpic.
9. Gītassarasuttaṃ — Musical sounds
021.09. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for reciting the teaching in a musical tone. What five?
Oneself gets attached to the tone, others too get attached to the tone, householders laugh at it: In the manner that we sing, the sons of the recluse Gotama sing, the concentration of those who do not like musical notes gets destroyed. The later generation copy it.
Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for reciting the teaching in a musical tone.
10. Muṭṭhassatisuttaṃ — Without mindfulness
021.10. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for falling to sleep without mindful awareness. What five?
Sleeps unpleasantly, gets up unpleasantly, sees evil dreams, gods do not protect him, he strews excreta. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for falling to sleep without mindful awareness.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for falling to sleep with mindful awareness. What five?
Sleeps pleasantly, gets up pleasantly, does not see evil dreams, gods protect him, he does not strew excreta. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for falling to sleep with mindful awareness.