Aṅguttara Nikāya
025. Duccatitavaggo
1. Paṭhamaduccaritasuttaṃ — First on evil behaviour
025.01. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads, he dies a deluded death, after death he decreases and is born in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads, he dies a non-deluded death, after death he increases and is born in heaven. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right behaviour.
2. Paṭhamakāyaduccaritasuttaṃ — First on bodily misbehaviour
025.02. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for bodily misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads, he dies a deluded death, after death he decreases and is born in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for bodily misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for bodily right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads, he dies a non-deluded death, after death he increases and is born in heaven. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for bodily right behaviour.
3. Paṭhamavacīduccaritasuttaṃ — First on verbal misbehaviour
025.03. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for verbal misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads, he dies a deluded death, after death he decreases and is born in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for vrbal misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for verbal right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads, he dies a non-deluded death, after death he increases and is born in heaven. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for verbal right behaviour.
4. Paṭhamamanoduccaritasuttaṃ — First on mental misbehaviour
025.04. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for mental misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads, he dies a deluded death, after death he decreases and is born in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for mental misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for mental right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads, he dies a non-deluded death, after death he increases and is born in heaven. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for mental right behaviour.
5. Dutiyaduccaritasuttaṃ — Second on misbehaviour
025.05. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads. He disturbs those established in right behaviour and establishes them in wrong behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads. He pulls out many from misbehaviour and establishes them in right behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right behaviour.
6. Dutiyakāyaduccaritasuttaṃ — Second on bodily misbehaviour
025.06. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for bodily misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads. He disturbs those established in right behaviour and establishes them in wrong behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for bodily misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for bodily right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads. He pulls out many from misbehaviour and establishes them in right behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for bodily right behaviour.
7. Dutiyavacīduccaritasuttaṃ — Second on verbal misbehaviour
025.07. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for verbal misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads. He disturbs those established in right behaviour and establishes them in wrong behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for verbal misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for verbal right behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads. He pulls out many from misbehaviour and establishes them in right behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right verbal behaviour.
8. Dutiyamanoduccaritasuttaṃ — Second on mental misbehaviour
025.08. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for mental misbehaviour. What five?
One blames oneself, the wise considering blame him, ill fame spreads. He disturbs those established in right behaviour and establishes them in wrong behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for mental misbehaviour.
Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right mental behaviour. What five?
One does not blame oneself, the wise considering praise him, his fame spreads. He pulls out many from misbehaviour and establishes them in right behaviour. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for right mental behaviour.
9. Sīvathikasuttaṃ — A cemetery
025.09. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers of a cemetery. What five?
It is impure, has evil smells, it is with fear, it is the dwelling of troublesome non-humans, it is the wailing place for many. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers of a cemetery.
Bhikkhus, in the same manner these are the five dangers of a person comparable to a cemetery. What five?
Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is endowed with impure bodily, verbal and mental activity. This I say, is his impurity. Bhikkhus, just as that cemetery is impure, so also is this person.
Ill fame spreads of that person who has impure bodily, verbal and mental activity. This I say, is his evil smell. As the cemetery smells, so too this person.
The well behaved bhikkhus avoid this one endowed with impure bodily, verbal and mental activities from a distance, to that I say he is with fear. As the cemetery is with fear, so also this person.
This person with impure bodily, verbal and mental activity associates a person, of the same category. This I say, is the troublesome living together. As the cemetery is dwelling of troublesome non-humans, so also this person’s dwelling.
The well behaved bhikkhus, seeing this person with impure bodily, verbal and mental activities turn away from him -thinking O! it is unpleasant to live with such a person. That I say, is the wailing. Bhikkhus, just as the cemetery is the wailing place of many, so also is this person. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers of a person comparable to a cemetery.
10. Puggalappasādasuttaṃ — Favourism
025.10. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for favouring a person. What five?
Bhikkhus, if a certain person is favoured by a person he falls to a certain ecclesiastical offence, on account of which the Community has to suspend him. Then it occurs to him: That person favoured by us, is suspended by the Community. Displeasure arises among the bhikkhus and they do not associate other bhikkhus. As a result they do not hear the Teaching and they deteriorate in the Teaching. Bhikkhus, this is the first danger in favouring a person ...
Again, bhikkhus, if a certain person is favoured by a person he falls to a certain ecclesiastical offence, on account of which the Community makes him sit at the end. Then it occurs to him: That person favoured by us, is suspended by the Community. Displeasure arises among the bhikkhus and they do not associate other bhikkhus. As a result they do not hear the Teaching and they deteriorate in the Teaching. Bhikkhus, this is the second danger in favouring a person.
Again, bhikkhus, if a certain person is favoured by a person and he becomes unsteady, ... re ... confused in mind, ... re ... or diesṬhen it occurs: That person favoured by us, has died. Displeasure arises among the bhikkhus and they do not associate other bhikkhus. As a result they do not hear the Teaching and they deteriorate in the Teaching. Bhikkhus, this is the fifth danger in favouring a person. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for favouring a person.