Aṅguttara Nikāya
008. Arahattavaggo — On worthy ones
1. Dukkhasuttaṃ — Unpleasantness
008.01. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with six things, here and now abides in unpleasantness, disturbed, wailing and after death an evil state should be expected. What six?
Sensual thoughts, angry thoughts, hurting thoughts, sensual perceptions, angry perceptions and hurting perceptions..
Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with these six things, here and now abides in unpleasantness, disturbed, wailing and after death an evil state should be expected.
Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowd with six things, here and now abides in pleasantness undisturbed, not wailing and after death a good birth should be expected. What six?
Non-sensual thoughts, non-angry thoughts, non-hurting thoughts, non-sensual perceptions, non-angry perceptions and non-hurting perceptions.
Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowd with these six things, here and now abides in pleasantness undisturbed, not wailing and after death a good birth should be expected..
008.02. Bhikkhus, without dispelling six things it is not possible to realize worthiness. What six?
Pride, flying high, conceit, undue estimation of oneself, unyielding nature and falling low.
Bhikkhus, without dispelling these six things it is not possible to realize worthiness..
Bhikkhus, dispelling six things it is possible to realize worthiness. What six?
Pride, flying high, conceit, undue estimation of oneself, unyielding nature and falling low.
Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things it is possible to realize worthiness.
3. Uttrimanussasuttaṃ — A distinction above human
008.03. Bhikkhus, without dispelling six things it is not possible to realize some noble distinction above human. What six?
Forgetfulness, unawareness, uncontrolled mental faculties, not knowing the right amount to eat, deceitfulness and talking deceptively.
Bhikkhus, without dispelling these six things it is not possible to realize some noble distinction above human.
Bhikkhus, dispelling six things it is possible to realize some noble distinction above human. What six?
Forgetfulness, unawareness, uncontrolled mental faculties, not knowing the right amount to eat, deceitfulness and talking deceptively.
Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things it is possible to realize some noble distinction above human.
4. Sukhasomanassasuttaṃ — Pleasantness and pleasure
008.04. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with six things abides in much pleasantness and pleasure here and now. Is wise and abides with aroused effort for the distruction of desires. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is fond of the Teaching, fond of development, fond of dispelling, fond of seclusion, fond of non-oppression and fond of the non-diffusedness of the world.
Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with these six things abides in much pleasantness and pleasure here and now. Is wise and abides with aroused effort for the distruction of desires.
5. Adhigamasuttaṃ — Attainments
008.05. Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with six things, it is not possible to attain the not yet attained meritorious things and to develop the already attained meritorious things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is not clever, in learning new, in using the learnt and in finding resources to learn. He does not arouse interest for the attainment of the not yet attained meritorious things, does not protect the already attained meritorious things and does not persevere.
Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with these six things, it is not possible to attain the not yet attained meritorious things and to develop the already attainedṃeritorious things.
Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with six things, it is possible to attain the not yet attained meritorious things and to develop the already attained meritorious things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is clever, in learning new, in using the learnt and in finding resources to learn. He arouses interest for the attainment of the not yet attained meritorious things, protects the already attained meritorious things and perseveres.
Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with these six things, it is possible to attain the not yet attained meritorious things and to develop the already attainedṃeritorious things.
6. Mahantattasuttaṃ — Comes to greatness
008.06. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with six things before long comes to greatness and abundance in things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus the bhikkhu becomes full of light, full of devices, full of the learnt, full of dissatisfaction, does not give up the aim and perseveres further.
Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu endowed with these six things before long comes to greatness and abundance in things.
7. Paṭhamanirayasuttaṃ — The first on hell
008.07. Bhikkhus, endowed with six things as though led and lain is in hell. What six?
Destroying living things, taking the not given, wrong behaviour for sexual desires, telling lies, evil desires and wrong view.
Bhikkhus, endowed with these six things as though led and lain is in hell.
Bhikkhus, endowed with six things as though led and lain is in heaven. What six?
Abstaining from, destroying living things, taking the not given, wrong behaviour for sexual desires, telling lies, evil desires and maintaining right view.
Bhikkhus, endowed with these six things as though led and lain is in heaven.
8. Dutiyanirayasuttaṃ — The second on hell
008.08. Bhikkhus, endowed with six things as though led and lain is in hell. What six?
Telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting and daring.
Bhikkhus, endowed with these six things as though led and lain is in hell.
Bhikkhus, endowed with six things as though led and lain is in heaven. What six?
Abstaining from, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting and doing daring things.
Bhikkhus, endowed with these six things as though led and lain is in heaven.
9. Aggadhammasuttaṃ — Highest Thing
008.09. Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the bhikkhu endowed with six things to realize highest extinction. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu has no faith, shame and remorse. Is lazy, not wise and with longings for the body and life.
Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the bhikkhu endowed with these six things to realize highest extinction.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the bhikkhu endowed with these six things to realize highest extinction. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu has faith, shame and remorse. Is with aroused effort, wise and without longing for the body and life.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the bhikkhu endowed with these six things to realize highest extinction.
10. Rattidivāsuttaṃ — Night or day
008.10. Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with six things, with the approach of night or day decrease not increase in meritorious things should be expected. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu has many desires; is annoyed and dissatisfied with this and other gain of robes, morsel food, dwellings and requisites when ill; has no faith; not virtuous; lazy; not mindful and lacking in wisdom.
Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with these six things, with the approach of night or day decrease not increase in meritorious things should be expected.
Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with six things, with the approach of night or day increase not decrease in meritorious things should be expected. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu does not have many desires; not annoyed is satisfied with this and other gain of robes, morsel food, dwellings and requisites when ill; has faith; is virtuous; with aroused effort is mindful and wise..
Bhikkhus, to the bhikkhu endowed with these six things, with the approach of night or day increase not decrease in meritorious things should be expected.