บทนำ พระวินัยปิฎก พระสุตตันตปิฎก พระอภิธรรมปิฎก ค้นพระไตรปิฎก ชาดก หนังสือธรรมะ | |
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Sāmaññaphalakathā [1779] Sāmaññaphalaṃ asaṅkhatanti . āmantā . nibbānaṃ tāṇaṃ leṇaṃ saraṇaṃ parāyanaṃ accutaṃ amatanti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. Sāmaññaphalaṃ asaṅkhataṃ nibbānaṃ asaṅkhatanti . āmantā . dve asaṅkhatānīti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. Dve asaṅkhatānīti. Āmantā. Dve tāṇāni .pe. Antarikā vāti. Na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. [1780] Sāmaññaphalaṃ asaṅkhatanti . āmantā . sāmaññaṃ asaṅkhatanti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. sāmaññaṃ saṅkhatanti . Āmantā . sāmaññaphalaṃ saṅkhatanti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. Sotāpattiphalaṃ asaṅkhatanti . āmantā . sotāpattimaggo asaṅkhatoti. Na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. sotāpattimaggo saṅkhatoti . āmantā . Sotāpattiphalaṃ saṅkhatanti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. sakadāgāmiphalaṃ .pe. anāgāmiphalaṃ .pe. arahattaphalaṃ asaṅkhatanti . āmantā . Arahattamaggo asaṅkhatoti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. arahattamaggo saṅkhatoti . āmantā . arahattaphalaṃ saṅkhatanti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. sotāpattiphalaṃ asaṅkhataṃ sakadāgāmiphalaṃ .pe. anāgāmiphalaṃ .pe. arahattaphalaṃ asaṅkhataṃ nibbānaṃ asaṅkhatanti . āmantā . pañca asaṅkhatānīti . na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. Pañca asaṅkhatānīti. Āmantā. Pañca tāṇāni .pe. Antarikā vāti. Na hevaṃ vattabbe .pe. Sāmaññaphalakathā. ------------The Pali Tipitaka in Roman Character Volume 37 page 613. https://84000.org/tipitaka/read/roman_read.php?B=37&A=12141 Compare with The Pali Tipitaka in Thai Character :- https://84000.org/tipitaka/read/pali_read.php?B=37&A=12141 Compare with The Royal Version of Thai Tipitaka :- https://84000.org/tipitaka/read/byitem.php?book=37&item=1779&items=2 Compare with The MCU Version of Thai Tipitaka :- https://84000.org/tipitaka/pitaka_item/m_siri.php?B=37&siri=206 Study Atthakatha :- https://84000.org/tipitaka/attha/attha.php?b=37&i=1779 The Pali Atthakatha in Thai :- https://84000.org/tipitaka/atthapali/read_th.php?B=55&A=6879 The Pali Atthakatha in Roman :- https://84000.org/tipitaka/atthapali/read_rm.php?B=55&A=6879 Contents of The Tipitaka Volume 37 https://84000.org/tipitaka/read/?index_37 https://84000.org/tipitaka/english/?index_37
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